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Brest Oblast joins nationwide reforestation campaign, restores over 20ha of storm-damaged forests

15/10/2024 15:10
MINSK, 15 October (BelTA) – Since the beginning of the national campaign "Bringing forests back to life" over 20 hectares of forests have already been restored in Brest Oblast, deputy head of the Brest state production forestry association Tatiana Samoilovich told the media, BelTA has learned.

The campaign focuses on the storm-damaged forests. Brest Oblast is set to plant more than 140,000 seedlings: 80,000 - this autumn, and the rest – next spring.

Brest Oblast was almost unaffected by the July storms. Small areas were damaged in Baranovichi, Brest, Gantsevichi, Polessky, Telekhany and Ivatsevichi forestries. Luninets forestry is the most damaged area in Brest Oblast. About 25.1 hectares in the Vulka, Luninets and Lunin forestries were up for salvage logging. Debris and fallen trees were removed on 18 hectares.

Specialists have done a large amount of work and determined the damaged areas and the volume of timber to be harvested. "We used all the means we had: harvesters, forest load-haul-dump machines, manual harvesting. After felling we inspected the logging areas, prepared the soil, and then started reforestation,” the chief forester of the Luninets forestry Victor Konopatsky said. “We plan to reforest 11.3 hectares. About 2.5 hectares have already been planted. We continue our work on the storm-damaged areas.”

Luninets District, like other districts, joined the national campaign "Bringing forests back to life" on 12 October. “People who want to participate in the campaign call us, we organize trips. For example, representatives of the district executive committee and tax inspectorates will join the campaign on 17 October. We mostly plant birch and pine trees, create mixed forests," Victor Konopatsky explained.

Forestry workers of Brest Oblast are also helping Gomel Oblast with the clean-up effort after the July storm.